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Matlab runga-kutta 4th&5th&6th order (Matlab 4,5 ve 6. dereceden runga-kutta yöntemi)

4.dereceden matlab runga-kutta
t0=1; %başlangıç zamanı
x0=3; %başlangıç koşulu
xg=[6/(5-3*t0^2)];% Mutlak çözüm
for i=1:5
xg=[xg 6/(5-3*t0^2)];
x=[x xyeni];
t=[t t0];
plot(t, x,’r-d’)
hold on


4 ve 5 . dereceden

function [wi, ti, count] = rkf45 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )

%RKF45 approximate the solution of the initial value problem
% x'(t) = RHS( t, x ), x(t0) = x0
% using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4th order – 5th order method –
% this routine will work for a system of first-order equations
% as well as for a single equation
% calling sequences:
% [wi, ti] = rkf45 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )
% rkf45 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )
% inputs:
% RHS string containing name of m-file defining the
% right-hand side of the differential equation; the
% m-file must take two inputs – first, the value of
% the independent variable; second, the value of the
% dependent variable
% t0 initial value of the independent variable
% x0 initial value of the dependent variable(s)
% if solving a system of equations, this should be a
% row vector containing all initial values
% tf final value of the independent variable
% parms three component vector of paramter values
% parm(1) minimum allowed step size
% parm(2) maximum allowed step size
% parm(3) absolute error tolerance
% output:
% wi vector / matrix containing values of the approximate
% solution to the differential equation
% ti vector containing the values of the independent
% variable at which an approximate solution has been
% obtained
% count number of function evaluations used in advancing the
% solution from t = t0 to t = tf

neqn = length ( x0 );
hmin = parms(1);
hmax = parms(2);
TOL = parms(3);

ti(1) = t0;
wi(1:neqn, 1) = x0′;
count = 0;
h = hmax;
i = 2;

while ( t0 < tf )
k1 = h * feval ( RHS, t0, x0 );
k2 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h/4, x0 + k1/4 );
k3 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + 3*h/8, x0 + 3*k1/32 + 9*k2/32 );
k4 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + 12*h/13, x0 + 1932*k1/2197 – 7200*k2/2197 + 7296*k3/2197 );
k5 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h, x0 + 439*k1/216 – 8*k2 + 3680*k3/513 – 845*k4/4104 );
k6 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h/2, x0 – 8*k1/27 + 2*k2 – 3544*k3/2565 + 1859*k4/4104 – 11*k5/40 );

R = max ( abs ( k1/360 – 128*k3/4275 – 2197*k4/75240 + k5/50 + 2*k6/55 ) / h );
q = 0.84 * ( TOL / R ) ^ (1/4);
count = count + 6;

if ( R < TOL )
x0 = x0 + 16*k1/135 + 6656*k3/12825 + 28561*k4/56430 – 9*k5/50 + 2*k6/55;
% x0 = x0 + 25*k1/216 + 1408*k3/2565 + 2197*k4/4104 – k5/5;
t0 = t0 + h;

ti(i) = t0;
wi(1:neqn, i) = x0′;
i = i + 1;

h = min ( max ( q, 0.1 ), 4.0 ) * h;
if ( h > hmax ) h = hmax; end;
if ( t0 + h > tf )
h = tf – t0;
elseif ( h < hmin )
disp ( ‘Solution requires step size smaller than minimum’ );

5 ve 6 . dereceden

function [wi, ti, count] = rkv56 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )

%RKV56 approximate the solution of the initial value problem
% x'(t) = RHS( t, x ), x(t0) = x0
% using Runge-Kutta-Verner 5th order – 6th order method –
% this routine will work for a system of first-order equations
% as well as for a single equation
% calling sequences:
% [wi, ti] = rkv56 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )
% rkv56 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, parms )
% inputs:
% RHS string containing name of m-file defining the
% right-hand side of the differential equation; the
% m-file must take two inputs – first, the value of
% the independent variable; second, the value of the
% dependent variable
% t0 initial value of the independent variable
% x0 initial value of the dependent variable(s)
% if solving a system of equations, this should be a
% row vector containing all initial values
% tf final value of the independent variable
% parms three component vector of paramter values
% parm(1) minimum allowed step size
% parm(2) maximum allowed step size
% parm(3) absolute error tolerance
% output:
% wi vector / matrix containing values of the approximate
% solution to the differential equation
% ti vector containing the values of the independent
% variable at which an approximate solution has been
% obtained
% count number of function evaluations used in advancing the
% solution from t = t0 to t = tf

neqn = length ( x0 );
hmin = parms(1);
hmax = parms(2);
TOL = parms(3);

ti(1) = t0;
wi(1:neqn, 1) = x0′;
count = 0;
h = hmax;
i = 2;

while ( t0 < tf )
k1 = h * feval ( RHS, t0, x0 );
k2 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h/6, x0 + k1/6 );
k3 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + 4*h/15, x0 + 4*k1/75 + 16*k2/75 );
k4 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + 2*h/3, x0 + 5*k1/6 – 8*k2/3 + 5*k3/2 );
k5 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + 5*h/6, x0 – 165*k1/64 + 55*k2/6 – 425*k3/64 + 85*k4/96 );
k6 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h, x0 + 12*k1/5 – 8*k2 + 4015*k3/612 – 11*k4/36 + 88*k5/255 );
k7 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h/15, x0 – 8263*k1/15000 + 124*k2/75 – 643*k3/680 – 81*k4/250 + 2484*k5/10625 );
k8 = h * feval ( RHS, t0 + h, x0 + 3501*k1/1720 – 300*k2/43 + 297275*k3/52632 – 319*k4/2322 + 24068*k5/84065 + 3850*k7/26703 );

R = max ( abs ( k1/160 + 125*k3/17952 – k4/144 + 12*k5/1955 + 3*k6/44 – 125*k7/11592 – 43*k8/616 ) / h );
q = 0.87 * ( TOL / R ) ^ (1/5);
count = count + 8;

if ( R < TOL )
x0 = x0 + 3*k1/40 + 875*k3/2244 + 23*k4/72 + 264*k5/1955 + 125*k7/11592 + 43*k8/616;
% x0 = x0 + 13*k1/160 + 2375*k3/5984 + 5*k4/16 + 12*k5/85 + 3*k6/44;
t0 = t0 + h;

ti(i) = t0;
wi(1:neqn, i) = x0′;
i = i + 1;

h = min ( max ( q, 0.1 ), 4.0 ) * h;
if ( h > hmax ) h = hmax; end;
if ( t0 + h > tf )
h = tf – t0;
elseif ( h < hmin )
disp ( ‘Solution requires step size smaller than minimum’ );

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